
HOOKBRUC - THE CZECH GAME! Set up the start and finish pins -> this will determine the distances of the individual lanes (for example 10, even 50 meters) and throw the hoop to play the course (individual lanes) for the least number of throws. Force yourself and others to move. The game is produced by: STOA-Games.

OUR TIP: let the others build the playground, there is no limit to your imagination... everyone will try to prepare an even longer - harder - more interesting playground.

In the garden, in schools, in a senior home, in a guest house/hotel, in a recreation centre, in a park...
Complete information about building a playground (garden, village, guesthouse, park, school,...) on the website of the Czech Hookbruè Association www.hookbruc.cz.

Czech TV dramaturgs have chosen the play Hookbruè [:hok-bruè:] for the show Sama doma - video stream of the report at the link below.

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Hookbruc - travel
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Hookbruc - implementation of the popular game for traveling, camping, to the park, with friends.