Best Buy

We guarantee the biggest selection of high quality outdoor games

We have more than 90% of our products in stock and available at our store.

We guarantee your satisfaction, or a refund based on a legitimate claim

We replace your products immediately and we deal with the follow-up complaints and refunds right away and on our own - whether we are the manufacturer or the importer.


We guarantee you the same prices - online as well as in the store

In our shop you can take a look at our games, try them out and discuss the installation and construction options.


We are either the manufacturer or direct importer of all our outdoor games

Therefore, we can guarantee the quality of our products.


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We guarantee the technical and service support

This applies to all products offered and purchased, both in warranty and post-warranty period. 


We guarantee answers to your questions - right away

You can email us anytime, 24/7.


We guarantee safe and sure choice of our games

We take our own photos of our games and we make our own video-reviews and video-presentation of our games. Therefore, you know exactly what you are buying.


We have a long-standing tradition since 2006

We are in the outdoor games industry for more than 14 years now and we keep up with the modern trends and news.


We can guarantee you our expertise - outdoor games are our passion

There are dozens of prototypes and hundreds of hours of development behind every one of our games - just so we can come up with the top notch quality games for you. 

We test all of our games, those that we make as well as those that we import - so we can always give you the advice you need.


Best Buy - Garden games